Sunday, May 3, 2009


Hi All,
This is my first attempt at blogging and I want to thank Jean for the invite. She mentioned that she was also a novice, so I will not be too hard on myself if I am not "up to par" on the shorthand of blogging!!! LOL

I am the author of one book, Forgiven Much, but desire to write more as the Lord leads. I sense that it may be soon and am in prayer as to the direction to take. I do feel that right now He has me in the mission--and often, the adventure--of getting my published work marketed to a larger crowd. I see Him working in that area as I just received an email from a friend who, in turn, received an e newsletter from Rachel's Vineyard--an international abortion recovery group--that had listed my book as their "Book of the Month!" What an honor that is!! Others who have read Forgiven Much have also asked me to speak at their pro-life functions, so I am feeling blessed and excited that the purpose of this work is being played out as women who read it are receiving healing through the Holy Spirit.

I look at the events in the world today and ponder how much time we have to reach those that do not know Christ. I know that the harvest is ripe. However, I come across many in my counseling realm, that know Him and His Salvation, attend church every Sunday, but because of their abuse in the past, are afraid to trust Him with their future. This seems to be the arena where God has placed me for the moment. He is bringing those beside me, that I may comfort them with the comfort He brought to me. II Corinthians 1: 3-4. It is humbling but exciting to see them break through and finally live out the fullness of His love, joy and peace.